I was wondering how many more warnings we need from our love ones to realized and understand their needs. How many times do we have to hear something over and over and keep not paying attention? Could it be that we are trying to meet what we think they need and not what they really need? Sometimes we do not pay attention to what we have been told. Maybe the problem it is “hearing”. The other person it telling us something important, we act like we are paying attention and five second latter the response goes on the opposite directions, it looks like they we were talking to a different person. Maybe it is time to realize that we are not listening. No matter what the age, everyone has a deep need to be valued and respected. This means that when people are talking to you, don’t interrupt them. You may already know what they’re going to say, or maybe you may think that you know what they are going to say, that’s okay, be considerate and let them finish anyway. If someone asks you a question and you know the answer, resist the tendency to jump in and cut them off. Be respectful and let them finish. If we listen, maybe our answer will change, because we listen.
We have the best interest in our love ones, but we try to meet what we think they need, not what we have been told they need. It’s not only a matter of being considerate, but it’s an investment in that relationship and lets others know how much you care. It is a simple adjustment of listening fist, meditating, praying if we do not understand and in case that we do pray too, so God will give us the correct answer “My dear brothers and sisters take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). Times, comes and goes, we always have new opportunities, but the one for today is gone, David said “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12). A new opportunity will come, but today is gone. Sow good seeds by giving the gift of listening and build strong connections in your relationships! Prioritize the other person needs, be more sensitive, study your love ones, see what they like, and listen to what they need. Remember how God create things “with the word”. The word has a tremendous power. Be careful how you use your words.
Inspire me, Lord God, as I read the Bible so that I may be able to understand more clearly Your divine teachings and increase our love for others.