God’s Word makes it clear. If you follow the carnal mind—the natural, unregenerated mind—it leads to death. But if you are spiritually minded, which means the Spirit of God lives in you and you heed what He tells you to do, you are alive and you walk with God. The […]
The secret of happiness
“So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.” Matthew 6:34 King George V wrote on the flyleaf of the Bible of a friend, “The secret of happiness is not to do what you like to do, but to […]
We are adopted as God’s children
Have you ever started to do something even though you have a little nudging on the inside of you telling you to do something completer different? When you follow the Spirit’s leading by faith even when it doesn’t make sense you are making a declaration with your actions that you […]
Lent: Preparing for Spiritual Growth
March 8, 2011 – As one of the oldest observations in Christendom, the Lent tradition has changed over the years, but its purpose has always been the same: self-examination and penitence, demonstrated by self-denial, in preparation for Easter. By Joy Allmond Lent, which comes from an Anglo-Saxon word for “spring,” […]
Have spiritual sensitivity
There are certain elements of daily life which are not sinful in themselves but which have a tendency to lead to sin if they are abused. Abuse literally means “extreme use” and, in many instances, overuse of things lawful becomes sin. Ambition is an essential part of character, but it […]
Move forward, I will be with you
When God’s give us a task, sometimes we are not sure if we heard it right; we have the question around, for a while we think about it because it is something that goes the opposite direction to what we are use to see or know. It is very interest […]