See that your affections, your desire, your joy, your hope, be set, not on transient objects, not on the things that fly as a shadow, that pass away like a dream; but on those that are incapable of change, that are incorruptible and fade not away; those that remain the […]
Can and Will
The Lord can and will bear all the strain that faith can ever put upon Him. The greatest troubles are easy to His power, and the darkest mysteries are clear to His wisdom. Trust God up to the hilt. Lean all your weight and every other weight upon the Mighty […]
Lack of Rest
Our lack of rest is rooted in our lack of trust. We are told to redeem the time, but we cannot redeem anything by hurrying.—George H. Morrison
Your Future
Your future is as bright as the promises of God. William Carey
Why Has He Placed Us There
If we cannot work out the will of God where God has placed us, then why has He placed us there? –J.H. Thom
To Keep
Trust God to keep all that you have entrusted to His keeping. Roy Lessin