We should remember that prayer is made powerful by the sincerity of it and the faith behind it. More than anything, you need a revelation of God’s love for you personally. God’s love for you is the foundation for your faith, your freedom from sin, and your ability to step out in ministry to others without fear in the form of insecurity.

Progress always requires stepping into the unknown. Experience gives us confidence, but we never get experience unless we step out and try things we have not tried before.

God made you with a longing in your heart to be loved. And the Word assures you that God loves you. Yet many people mistakenly believe they have worn God out with their failures. You can’t cause God not to love you. Love isn’t something God does—it is who He is.

As you meditate on God’s love at the end of the day, accept it and express your great love for Him. Then as you go about your day tomorrow—and all your tomorrows—share that love with others.

By Joyce Meyer