The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:22-23
Meditate all day today on this scripture. Think about it and remember how many times in your life God was faithful, how many times His is faithful, think about His mercies, His faithfulness to us. If you really think about that, we would be so thankful to Him and we will pray more and more to know Him, to be faithful to Him, to apply this same mercy to other, and to love Him more and more. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)
God is always faithful. His hope will refresh and strengthen us all the time. If our hope is based on God’s everlasting, unconditional, and unchanging love for us, our hopes is on a sure foundation.
So the question I ask you today is; how do you acknowledge God? Yes, He is your provider, He is your protector, He is your strength, and He is your deliverer. Does your soul thirst for God? You will always crave whatever you constantly feed yourself. In the same way, your soul, will crave whatever you meditate on and allow into your mind through your eyes and ears. Are you looking for Him? When you hunger and thirst for God, you will be satisfied.
That’s such a wonderful promise! Read this promise as mush as you need. Meditate on it. Pray, thank Him all the time for His generosity. Could you imagine that the Lord’s love for us has never ends that His mercies to us never cease, that His faithfulness and mercies to us begin afresh each morning? I do not know about you, but “what a blessing I have in the LORD.” I am so bless because of His loves.